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Productivity & Motivation

Updated: Feb 15, 2021

Hey Lava friends, thanks for stopping by!

Question: How do you get motivated to do the things that aren’t the least bit exciting to you?

I’m here with another blog post. I plan on creating a blog post everyday, so here I am!

I‘m glad I got the chance to get my iPad running again because I would use it to manly read books online. During quarantine I’ve been reading a lot more books with a purpose. Learning to me is important because I’ll be able to gain the knowledge for my future success.

This book is from the app store and it was FREE!

This year I wanted to challenge myself with new vocabulary as well with creating a to do list for the day. I found this helpful but in the past I seem to not be as consistent.

With that being said, I plan on being more consistent. I brought a calendar for my room which has been helpful since quarantine started.

For myself I like to start with goals that are easily achievable for me, such as daily tasks that take no longer than 20min to complete. This is important because you may tend to loose self confidence and give up if you never reach them.

Now that I have that up, I recently brought more chalk for my chalk door in my room. This helps me visually see what I need to get done for the day.

If you want to be productive, you have to be motivated.

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