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Transportion in Boston . . . Car?

Updated: Feb 15, 2021

Am I the only one in Boston who is starting to stray away from the MBTA lifestyle? Honestly, I am loosing my patience when it comes to taking the trains and buses because I am always carrying my life. Whether its my 6 inch heels, canon bag, purse, and/or gym clothes these are the few of many items I need to carry. People often call me the "bag lady" because I carry so much on me. Now that I am focused on limiting the items I do carry the MBTA has really done it. . . THE PRICE of weekly passes has gone up from $19 to $21.25 . . .

Anywho, I am CURRENTLY looking for a car preferably a used one because I know I will not have the funds for a monthly payment. I am super excited to get one because I can move around easily without worrying about time, distance, and people.

These pictures below are of me leaving the Boston Copley Library on my way home!

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