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Lavanyai a builder? Interested in building your own home?

Leaving Haiti to head back to Boston was not something I was looking foward to because of the amount of family, culture, and memories I gained while being in Haiti for 13 days. I love Haiti and very much proud to say I am Haitian because of the language, food, and beautiful people that we possess. On that note, in Haiti I stayed at my Grandmas house with my uncles, cousins, and other family members. What I noticed since being in Haiti in 2005 at my Grandpa's funueral my Uncle has been builiding a big home for my Grandma behind her current home. He had a vision to give back to his mother by buidling her a nice home where she can call it hers and live comfortably before life comes in the way.

Anywho, it was the second day after my arrival in Haiti and on that morning I walked in the backyard to see the progress my Uncle had made for his mother. Believe it or not, my Uncle had never taken classes or taken any trainings for construction but he did research what he needed to know. He is a man who works hard, does what he needs to do, and make it happen. Well, the pictures below are of me taking self-potraits in my Grandma's home in which my Uncle is currently in the proccess of finishing. It is not done yet, but with the help of my family putting in money, supplies, and support it will be done within a year!

This two story home has 8 bedrooms (one for each of his mothers children- aka my mother included!), I believe 2-3 baths, kitchen, living room, dinning room, garage, and SWIMMING POOL! I am beyond pumped to see the end result of this home. This home overlooks the mountains in Haiti and it is pure beauty once in it. My Grandma is going to be so happy to the point where she is going to cry with joy. I am looking foward to this house warming party with all of my family in it! Knowing that this home is being built, I am going to be in Haiti very much often . . . NO JOKE!

P.s Once I do become successful I do want to build my own home in Haiti on the mountains and just stay there FOREVER and continue my work as the Fundraiser Coordinator for the St. Justin Jean Foundation. (which is named after my Grandpa)

Wanna come with me?


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